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KLPR @ WORK news, thought and inspiration - page 71

A Guide to Multi-channel Marketing

A Guide to Multi-channel Marketing

With so many different channels of communication available, ensuring you are getting the right message to the right people, at the right time has never been more complex. I look at how and why you should invest time and energy in getting your web content…

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Why quality content marketing will be king in 2013

Why quality content marketing will be king in 2013

2012 was a great year for content marketing, one that saw it established as a key discipline as brands looked to create a genuine rapport with their target audience. And there are big names leading the charge: the likes of Coca-Cola and Red Bull both…

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The economics of print are becoming millstones around the necks of publishers

The economics of print are becoming millstones around the necks of publishers

As the digital publishing revolution continues to gather pace around us, two recent pieces of news clearly demonstrate how things have changed in this arena. On the face of it, the fact that The Guardian’s editor Alan Rusbridger was forced to officially deny claims that the paper…

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Argos epitomises ecommerce’s shift to digital

Argos epitomises ecommerce’s shift to digital

News that Argos now views its printed catalogue as obsolete is indicative of the shift going on across the print industry. Retailers and publishers alike are finding themselves burdened with the costs of printing and distributing everything from printed catalogues to magazines, and are looking…

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Is News International’s new ad model fit for purpose?

Is News International’s new ad model fit for purpose?

While News International’s move to automate the process of transferring ads from print to digital is moving in the right direction as publishers seek to monetise digital and mobile platforms, Mark Inskip wonders whether it goes far enough. News International’s recent announcement of its plans…

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A New Alternative in the Move to Digital

A New Alternative in the Move to Digital

With publishers trying to negotiate the shift to mobile formats, received wisdom dictates that there are only two options available: replicate or redesign. Group FMG’s UK Managing Director Mark Inskip explains how, by looking at high street retailer M&S, publishers will find a cost-effective third…

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