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KLPR @ WORK news, thought and inspiration - page 23

Why we need to recognise the impact of hidden disabilities on passenger confidence levels at our airports

Why we need to recognise the impact of hidden disabilities on passenger confidence levels at our airports

How can airports and airlines tell if someone is disabled? That’s a fundamental question for our industry – and it’s not as easy to answer as many people might think. It is fair to say that airports can be hugely disabling environments. Not only in…

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How facial recognition could save insurance companies billions

How facial recognition could save insurance companies billions

A new system based on deep learning AI could significantly reduce claims fraud, says David Fulton, CEO at WeSee. Forrester Research recently discussed how AI could help insurance companies establish themselves as digital insurers. The fact is that the technology could have far deeper ramifications…

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Why PAMCo is a catalyst for change

Why PAMCo is a catalyst for change

“In any rational world, there should now be a renaissance in sophisticated media planning rather than mere trading and the pressing of the social media digital default button.” This was renowned media journalist and commentator Raymond Snoddy’s reaction to the recent launch of PAMCo – Audience Measurement for…

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Are resellers ready for the race to multicloud?

Are resellers ready for the race to multicloud?

Multicloud is here to stay and could offer resellers a chance to stand out from the crowd if they can rise to the challenge, says Ed Smith, Head of Sales, EMEA at Megaport. If anyone was in any doubt that multicloud was heading for the…

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Turning a gamble on gaming into a safe bet

Turning a gamble on gaming into a safe bet

Books, films, TV series, board games, computer games, even famous people – all of them have proved to be great sources for online gaming titles. Just look at the licensed properties you can play on the major online gambling sites… But it’s important for developers…

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The pros and cons of licensing costumed characters

The pros and cons of licensing costumed characters

Hamilton Sargent, Contentainment & WDFG Account Manager at Blackjack Promotions offers his top tips on licensing costume characters for campaigns and explores the pros and cons of using off-the-peg or creating your own. We’ve all become used to seeing costumed characters promoting products in shopping…

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How Paris and IRM turned Millennials into ambassadors for the city

How Paris and IRM turned Millennials into ambassadors for the city

Firmly on tourists’ must-see list, there’s no doubting the enduring status of Paris as one of the world’s most popular and beautiful capitals. Well, at least that’s what you’d think. But never one to rest on its laurels, the Paris region realised that it was…

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How to get your wedding-ready body in less than 3 months

How to get your wedding-ready body in less than 3 months

Is your big day fast approaching but still want to shift a few pounds? Stuart Taylor, Founder of PerfecTone shares some last minute advice for blushing brides-to-be on how to get your wedding body. It’s the moment you’ve been dreaming of since you were a little girl. It’s the day that you will remember forever. It’s that once in a…

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28 brands using AI to enhance marketing [infographic]

28 brands using AI to enhance marketing [infographic]

AI is a hot topic in the world of marketing. It is timely, therefore, that we stumbled across a new infographic that looks at the present and projections for AI in marketing. Check it out below for the latest stats plus 28 best practice examples…

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On-demand laundry and dry-cleaning start-up Zipjet takes StreetPR for a spin

On-demand laundry and dry-cleaning start-up Zipjet takes StreetPR for a spin

Zipjet, the leading on-demand laundry and dry-cleaning service company in the UK and Europe, has teamed up with StreetPR for a face-to-face leafleting campaign focused around key London transport hubs and other locations where the brand’s target audience – 25-40 year old time-poor business men and women…

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